Crisis and Intensive Services

24-hour Community Based Mobile Crisis Assessment and Support
Malheur County has a team of Qualified Mental Health Professionals, Qualified Mental Health Associates, and Certified Peer Support Specialists who can support people in crisis.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
The ACT team at Lifeways works with individuals diagnosed with severe persistent mental illness and are experiencing significant challenges to their quality of life.

Early Assessment Support Alliance (EASA)
EASA is a transitional program, serving people for approximately two years. EASA provides rapid, effective support to young people who develop the symptoms of psychosis

Forensics Case Management and Treatment
Forensic case management and treatment encompass three separate programs: Jail Diversion, Aid & Assist, and PSRB.

Medication Management
Medication management by licensed mental health providers for all aspects of mental health for adults, children, and adolescents. We strive to find the most beneficial mental health medication plan as part of overall wellness.

Supported Employment
Supported Employment is an evidence-based practice that follows tried principles of employment which are successful in helping clients find and maintain gainful, competitive employment.